NPC Programs

At Nassagaweya, we put a high priority on developing and growing deeper in community. No matter how long some of us have been at Nassagaweya, we were all new once. That’s why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to come out and get involved to whatever degree you’re comfortable. NPC’s programs include a variety of groups, activities and events that you can get involved with.

NPC’s Programs for Children and Youth

Sunday School

Every Sunday morning during the worship service, children aged 0-13 have the option of participating in Sunday School. Using stories, games, crafts and other fun activities, this program provides an engaging and age-appropriate environment for children to connect with Jesus and experience the love of God. Children from birth-13 are invited to join in with Sunday School after a special children’s time during the worship service.

Vacation Bible Camp (VBC)

Join in the fun of VBC each summer, offered one week in July from 9 am – noon. Games, Bible stories, crafts, singing and dancing!


NPC’s Programs and Groups for Adults

Friendship Fridays

A pot-luck gathering on the 3rd Friday of each month at 6:00 pm. Join us for food and friendship!

Women’s Association

A group for women of all ages meeting at the church on the third Wednesday of every month (except July, August, and December) for Bible study, worship, and fellowship.


Are you a quilter?  Would you like to learn?  Then join our quilting group.  We meet at the church on a drop-in basis every Wednesday between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm, with a coffee break at 9:30 am and lunch at noon (bring a bag lunch!).  Come for an hour or stay all day, whatever you like!

Wednesday Coffee Time

We always have a good group of people drop in for their coffee and community fix for Men’s breakfast the day, and we’d love to have you join us too. Toys are available for little ones, so feel free to bring your kids along! 9:30 am – 10:30 am on Wednesdays.

Men’s Breakfast

No agenda, just breakfast, with plenty of conversation and laughs in the process. We usually meet at 8:00 am on the first Saturday of the month (except in July and August) at the Ebenezer United Church, 12274 Guelph Line, Milton, ON L0P 1B0.

Bible Study

A gathering for Bible study and fellowship.

Fall 2023 we are embarking on a six-week journey to discover how the experience of the exile influenced the Bible and how the notion of exile, both spiritual and physical, affects our faith today!

Every Monday at 7pm from October 16th to November 20th join us in person or online.

Feel free to email Rev. Brett at


Women's Breakfast

On the third Saturday of the month we invite the ladies to join us for breakfast while the men cook!

We also invite a guest speaker to come and tell us about a cause in the community that they are supporting to which we donate the free will offerings raised at the breakfast.

Follow us on Facebook for details each month! (see link at the bottom right of the page)


Annual Events at NPC

Chicken BBQ - June

June 14, 2025

1/2 chicken, Baked Potato/sour cream, Coleslaw, Bun/butter, and Dessert for $25.

Call (905) 854-1055 or email us for tickets.

Community Breakfast Community Breakfast - September

Second Sunday in September. Instead of the regular morning worship service, the whole community is invited to come and have breakfast together. There is live music and activities for the kids.

Trunk or Treat - Halloween

On Halloween from 6:00 to 7:30, the NPC parking lot will be filled with decorated cars and candy. The community is invited to come Trick-or-Treat from trunk to trunk.


Bazaar - November

The first Saturday in November from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.  There are crafts, a silent auction, lunch, baked goods, and the winning ticket in the annual quilt raffle is drawn.  Please join us.