Sunday School
Sunday School resumed on September 17 after the summer break.
NPC Sunday School is held in-person at Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church. We welcome the young people from our congregation as well as new friends and neighbours.
We look forward to seeing our young folk for our Sunday School Program again.
2023-2024 Sunday School Program
Our Sunday School Program runs from September 17, 2023 to June 18 2024.
This year, will be using the Spark House Curriculum called “Holy Moly”. This is the same as the fun kids’ videos that are shown in the service during children’s time. The kids will leave for Sunday School after Children’s time. They will meet as one group and go through the lesson for the day. This gives them an opportunity to hear the scripture reading for the lesson, think about how it applies to our daily lives and interact with each other. We hope you will join us.
For more information about our Sunday School or to register, contact
Sunday School Registration
Download our Registration form for the upcoming 2023 Sunday School Program.